Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hunting and Fishing

In this blog I'll share every thing I know about hunting and fishing. First of all I have been hunting for about four years and this past November my dad and I harvested our first buck. It was a two and half year old eight point. I know where to shoot a deer, how to field dress both doe and buck, and know quite a bit about deer behavior. Also I am on the bass fishing team at Moline High School. I know quite a bit less about bass than I do deer. I know that bass are predatory and are very finicky when it comes to presenting bait to them. I am hoping to learn more about bass fishing as well as other game animals while I do this blog.


  1. Hey this is a good first start. I wish I would have did my first one like this. Just explaining about what my blog would be about. I hope to learn more about hunting and bass fishing by reading this blog, because I know nothing about the topic. I have a grandfather who loves to hunt and an uncle fishes.

  2. Good start--now try to find what's already out there on your topic and bring your voice to the current discussion that's already happening.

  3. First of all, congrats on your guys' first deer. There isn't anything else like being out in the woods, time goes a lot slower and everything is more relaxing. Your worries leave your mind and you can enjoy gods creations. I will be looking forward to reading your next posts.

  4. Thats a really good start. I'm excited to keep reading your posts to learn more because i dont know anything about hunting. Make sure you explain those hunting words for people like me.:)
    good job!

  5. Have you read the book A River Runs Through It? A good story that takes place in Montana and is about fly fishing. Robert Redford directed the movie version.
