Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tips on Squirrel Hunting

I found this article on Field and Stream's website about Squirrel hunting. The first tip it gives is to listen for falloing debris from squirrels feeding. Secondly, move quietly through the woods. If you just go barging in you will scare every single squirrel in the woods. Squirrel hunting is basically deer hunting in miniature style, so its a great way to tune up your deer hunting skills. Thirdly, make sure you are a sharpshooter before you get out to tyhe woods. When you spot a squirrel, move slowly into a better shooting position to take the shot. Lastly, always make sure you are shooting in a safe direction. Never take a shot in the direction of a house or a person. Also you want to kill the squirrel efficiently. If you don't think you can kill the squirrel,k don't take the shot.

1 comment:

  1. wow, i never knew people hunted squirrels! I cant even imagine doing that, it would be so hard to hit a little squirrel!
